Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Sit down and have a cup of tea with me

I should never, I repeat NEVER, be allowed to go to Teavana by myself when they have a bunch of new teas. I can only say that I did my part to help the economy. I kid myself that I did it because of the articles that have been out which extol the virtues of tea, including that it helps you loose weight. Ok, sign me up for that and if it can make me less tired when I want to be awake and sleepy at night, then I'm totally all over that. So, those of you who are big tea fans are wondering what I managed to purchase. Here's the quick rundown:

Imperial Acai Blueberry White tea
Fruta Bomba Green Tea
Kamiya Papaya Oolong Tea
Emerald Bamboo Forest White Tea
Tarocco Ruby Orange Herbal & Jasmine Dragon Phoenix Pearls mixed (my idea)

I also got myself one of the perfect cup brewers so I can make decent tea at work. And I may have gotten other teas. Ok, I did get something else but I can't remember what 2 chai's they had blended together. I just know it was one you could try in the store and it was delicious! I also got 2 different 4 oz bags of tea free. They were teas that have been discontinued but that's 8 oz of tea for free, well sort of free it was because I bought so much so I had to spend to get the free, but still. I am sad that they discontinued one of my all time favorites, but I'm sure I'll find another to take it's place.

Plus, it was the perfect day for tea. Kind of misty and grey with a chilly wind that blew every once in awhile. Oh, and if you're going to have a cup of tea and enjoy Earl Grey, I also tried the new Earl Grey White and loved it. I'll have to go back next week and buy some for my tea stock.


  1. The last 2 on the list sound really, really tempting. I flip back and forth between coffee and tea during the day. I know drinking just tea would help me lose weight as I drink tea black. I put milk and sugar in my coffee ( artificial sweetners tripper my migraines so I have to stick to sugar) I need to find out if there's a tea shop around here -

  2. You're killing me! Especially the orange/jasmine combo!!! So what's the discontinued tea?

  3. Some of those teas sound delicious! I don't normally drink " speciality" teas, just the plain stuff, but a friend introduced me to Lady Grey and I love it. I try to drink a cup a day.


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