Friday, September 28, 2007

Earlier this week...

On Monday I participated in "The Great Doctor Visit Relay Race". This consists of being told multiple times that you have a doctor's appointment 36 miles from our house to the office in Jacksonville beside St. Vincent's Hospital. That's ok, I don't mind driving that far for my father to see a really good doctor. So, Monday we get there and find out that no, his appointment was really in Orange Park at their office that we DROVE RIGHT PAST on the way to St. V's. Luckily we were fairly early and had time to make it back to Orange Park and get to his appointment only 15 minutes late. And thankfully the nurses called and let that office know that there had been a mix-up. Apparently someone didn't tell me that the doctor had changed which office he'd be at that day.

We had planned on going by the used bookstore, the really BIG used bookstore, that houses all the great book "crack". This is one of my favorite stores to spend time in, and if you're ever in the Jacksonville area I highly recommend a trip to Chamblin's Bookmine . It's gloriously full of books. We ended up going back that way since my dad was without reading material and that could have meant the end of the world, or something similar as he might have had to find something to do with his time other then read. I always check the knitting and other crafts aisle and happened across this....I've been wanting this book for awhile, but haven't purchased. Couldn't pass up the 1/2 price, especially since I did have credit to cover the cost. I've already decided I need to make the Petal bibs for baby shower gifts.

My friend Jill is here for the FSU vs. 'Bama game tomorrow. We're tailgating with friends, as I think I've already mentioned. Made some macaroni salad this morning and will make more food later tonight. Right now we're off to run some errands and maybe hit Chamblin's. (Jill likes the books too!) Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Ever been on a "roll"?

Apparently I'm on one with "cubie"/"All Year Squared". As I stated last night, I managed to finish the Spring side. So with no further ado....
Isn't it precious with the bunnies and the flutterbi-s? I think the butterflies were supposed to be the same color, but that didn't really work for me. Plus, I love the yellow ones we see around here all the time and last year we saw one in that violet/purple color in the yard. Like with the frog, I haven't put the beads on the eyes. Don't want them to get messed up.

Even though I got home late tonight (after a day spent driving from practically one end of town to the other...and in Jacksonville, FL that can be a fair distance), I attempted to start on the bottom square. Let me state for the record that I started watching the PBS series "The War" by Ken Burns. (If you haven't watched this, you should. It's amazingly well done and tells the story of the war in a very different way, very personal, while still giving you the glimpses of the atrocities that happened. I wanted to watch because they talk not just about the European theater, but also the war fought in the Pacific and specifically the events that surrounded the bombing and sinking of the ship my maternal grandfather served on and died on.) So anyway, the bottom is composed of my initials and the year. and then a diagonal upright cross variation over 4 and then the double wrapped stitch around the entire thing. So I thought I'd be smart, and work my first initial, then count down and work some of the outline to figure out where to start my diagonal upright cross variation (DUCV for short). It was really cooking, moving right along, threads flying, needles skimming through the fabric with ease. The PBS show went off. We ran the tape back and started watching "Dancing With The Stars". (This is the only "reality" show I've ever really gotten in to. I mean, DWTS is just cool!) So here I am...stitching away and I get to the point where I can put in my "B", having worked some of the border and some of the DUCV, and what do I realize....yep, I miscounted. Of course it's way back at where the DUCV starts. I added an extra wrapped double backstitch set over 4 threads...I'm not 4 threads off. There's only 1 way to fix. FROG! Hey, at least the "T" was still right!

(After sitting through that little pity party, you deserve something pretty to look at....)Aren't they so pretty all lined up in order? So, tomorrow night I have a meeting and Wed. I always have band. Thursday my DF Jill arrives for the big football doings this weekend here in Jax. (For those not in the know, FSU (Jill & my alma mater) will be playing Alabama (as in "Roll Tide") The game of "dynasties" as some are calling it, although both FSU and Alabama have seen better days when it comes to football.) With both 'bama and the 'Noles looking to achieve the glory of years past (they still revere "Bear" Bryant, and we have our own guy by the name of Bobby Bowden with some glory attached to their names) this should be fun. We're planning some MAJOR tailgating action Saturday. I might even have some pictures. Even with all that going on, I may, just may, be able to finish the stitching on this one. The putting together, that's another story. I'm forgoing work on other stitching projects right now in favor of this one.

There is some minor knitting going on, but I'm going to have to buckle down on the Lynton sweater. I'm stalled on the back. I think I only have a couple of inches to go until I can bind off, but I need to measure. I didn't take it with me today when I went with my dad to the cardiologist. Took the August dishcloth instead. (Yes, I'm well aware it's almost the end of Sept., but I started a month late, so technically I'm not really behind...yet.) If, and this is a BIG IF, I can get the stitching done on "cubie", then I can knit on the sweater on Sunday while I watch football and racing. That should put a dent in the sweater.

Wow, the month is almost gone and I've not touched a couple of items on my list, not to mention I need to start thinking about October...and ASG...and seeing friends!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Finally a post and some pictures

To distract you from the fact that I haven't posted in almost a week I bring you pictures...
This would be a halfway decent picture of a 3 sided piece that has a very long history. It's the 1998 Commemorative Scissor Fob from Spirit of Cross Stitch. I'm sure that takes a few of you back.Here's another side. Don't you love my bunny? I though he'd do a fine job holding the fob. So, more on the story. I actually had this stitched in 1998, as you can tell from the next picture.
But for some reason I didn't manage to put it together. Well, if the truth were to be told it was more I was too scared to try and put it together. The finishing isn't all that hard, but back then I hadn't done much finishing. So, maybe last year, or the year before I found it in my stash and decided to put it together. Somehow I had a VERY LONG piece of twisted cording for it that I used and got it all done, except stuffed. At which point apparently I put it away until I could get to the bag of poly. I have. When I was going through all my stash for "September Smalls" month I found it and thought why not get this piece completely finished. So, here it is. It really is very pretty. I have no idea what I'll do with it. Right now it's sitting in a bowl with a couple of other smalls I have.

The rest of this week has been taken up with working on this...
That's the bookshelf my uncle made for the end of our kitchen island when he redid the countertops. That's with 2 coats of stain. I know, it looks kind of red now. The stain is "Dark Mahagony" or something like that. It will eventually turn black. That's eventually, after several more coats of stain. I wanted the black because, even though you can't tell, there is a black fleck in the countertops and we're looking at grey and black tile for the back-splash along the countertops and under the counters along the wall. So, it will all work together...eventually...when I've got enough coats on it.

The bad part is that between the weather we've had and the smell from the staining that's going on in the kitchen I've developed a migraine. So far, its staying somewhere around halfway bearable. Although this morning it descended into "must find a bed and cool sheets" for awhile before some medication kicked in.

Oh, I almost forgot! I finished something else last night....
Meet the "summer" panel for "cubie", or "All Year Square". That's right I finished. (If you want to see it a little larger, you can click on the picture to make it bigger, btw.) In the class she told us we could use several different options for the lily flowers. One was bullion knots, another was detached buttonhole. Now, knowing that I have something like 24 bullion knots to do on the pin cushion from Indigo Rose, I decided that if I did more here I wouldn't want to think about those. So, I opted for detached buttonhole. The only thing I haven't done is put the beads on the frog for his eyes. I don't want them to get messed up, so I'll wait until I'm ready to put it together. In a show of optimism, I started on the "spring" panel after I finished this one. Not much done, just the first row of long-arm cross and part of an "A". I've left this one for last since it has the rabbits on it, and I love bunnies so much that I thought it would spur me on to the finish. We'll see.

The weekend is looking interesting. I'm hoping the weather will be nice, but not sure what to expect. We've had lots of rain this week, which we needed, and they say we'll get more tomorrow. I'm not going to complain. My football team isn't playing this weekend, but we'll have a big game next week. I'm also hoping I'll do a little better with the blogging. But now you're all caught up!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Another entry with no pictures

I know, you're disappointed that I didn't get any pictures taken. Sorry, you'll have to deal with it the best way you know how. I had a day that ended well, after not starting out all that nicely. But we won't dwell on the bad.

The good was going to knit-in. It was relaxing and we managed to break rule #11. If you don't know what the rules are, then you should stop by KnitWitz some time and check them out. (Or maybe Kathe will post them on her blog after she gets home from training next week? Yes, that's a hint, do with it what you will.) I managed to work on my mate for the 1st pathway sock from Cat Borhdi's new book. Have I told you how much I like her book? Have I said how I absolutely love that she teaches you something new with a pair of tiny socks? You may be asking yourself what you'll do with all those tiny socks for babies. I'll be storing them to put with baby shower gifts. I mean, they are perfect for that. Just one idea. I also worked on my Lynton cardi. Came home and worked on it while watching t.v. I'm still working on the back, but I'm shaping the armholes now. There is definitely an end in sight. I actually think I might have it finished by my deadline. That would be so exciting!

I have a couple of other deadlines to work on this week too. Must get those finished. Must find some energy to do them all. Perhaps going to sleep would help. I'm very aware that it's currently 1:20 AM or so at my house. I'm also aware that I really should get up fairly early in the morning to run to the bank since I didn't get to make my deposit this afternoon after waiting for over 40 minutes. Something about having only 1 teller and a computer problem. Oh, and then there's football tomorrow that must be watched. The worst part is my team won't even start playing until 10 PM my time, it will be a few hours earlier where they'll be playing. At least the game will be televised. I can knit while sitting in bed, right up until I get so tired I become scared I'll poke my eye out with the needles. We'll have to see how well I can stay awake for that game. We'll also have to see how well they play this week. There are so many reasons I'm not too sure they'll win, but that won't keep me from cheering for them, so.... GO 'NOLES!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Finally pictures

As promised....

The top on I took without a flash, the bottom one with a flash. The bottom one actually shows the color better. But, since I didn't get a chance to retake the photos, this is what you're stuck with.

For those who were wondering about my dad, he went back to the G.I. doctor yesterday. He's quite pleased with how well daddy looks. Said more then once he thought daddy's color was more normal. I've noticed he is looking less like death warmed over and more like a living person lately. The doctor said he feels the iron therapy is working and that he's also not loosing blood anymore from the AVM's. He'll have to go next month for a blood test to see what his levels are. He also has an appointment with his heart specialist on the 24th so they can all decide whether he should go back on Coumadin or not. Until that's decided he'll stay off it. His G.I. doctor doesn't want him to go back on it because of the bleeding, but we'll have to see what the heart specialist has to say because of the atrial fibrillation.

In further stitching news, I worked on the Summer block of "cubie" again tonight. I'm down to the "ribbon" portion at the bottom. I'm leaving the lily flowers to the end. She gave us 3 different ideas on how to do them, none of which are thrilling options and I might add, none of which she gave directions for. I'll probably go with bullion stitch, but only because I have directions for those right there in my bag since that's all that's left on the Indigo Rose piece I have out to work on this month. The other likely choice is detached buttonhole. I might just do that, if only because my friend Judy hates that stitch and I don't mind it all that much. I'll decide when I get to it.

Lastly, for some reason I think I've lost my mind even more then normal. I said to my mom yesterday that I needed to email my friend Melody about this Sunday's guild meeting. Obviously I was momentarily crazy and thought it was October already. Now, I'm looking forward to October. October means a trip to Louisville for ASG, time spent with my friends, some of whom I only see there. However, I'm really not in favor of the year going any faster then it's been going already. In fact, I wouldn't mind if things slowed down a bit. I know, that's asking way too much, but it was worth thinking.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Tuesday musings

Tuesday's seem to be an odd day around my house lately. Not exactly sure why. Today was no different. I can't tell you exactly what made it odd, it just seemed that way to me. Of course, some of my friends may be thinking that it's not the day, it's more me. That could be true. Not to mention that today was 9/11. It's a hard day for so many people. I was blessed not to have lost a loved one or friend that day. But like many, I took time today to thank God for those who serve each day to try and make our lives a little safer. From the soldiers, sailors and air men & women to those who check our bags at the airport, I'm thankful that they are there to do a hard and often thankless job.

In other news, I actually finished putting my little turtle scissor fob together this evening. I finished it quite a bit differently then the model. Added some beads in the finishing to match the way I finished scissors sleeve. I'll try and get a picture tomorrow when there's some decent daylight.

Continuing with theme of "smalls" I worked on the Summer panel of "cubie". The frog is finished and I've started on the lily pads. Yes, I'll take a picture of that as well when I get the camera out tomorrow.

This weekend I went to the first FSU home football game of the season. Thankfully we won! It wasn't pretty, but it was a win and to be honest that's really all I cared about. I worked some on my pal's HP sock on the way over and on the Lynton jacket for a bit when we were heading home. Most of that was while we sat in the parking lot waiting to get into traffic and then through town while I still had some light. I did find that I'm beginning to be able to knit without having to look, or in this case in the dark. The problem came with knowing which row I was on so I could decrease. So far I've managed 11" of the back. That's more then half-way! Yes, I'm excited. Of course I haven't worked on it since, but my dad has a doctor appointment in the morning so I'll take that with me to work on while we wait.

No other news, which is probably a good thing. Now, if only the weather would get cooler....

Friday, September 7, 2007

Smalls, smalls everywhere

Having already admitted to the fact that I have more WIPs then I may possibly finish in this lifetime, I bring you further evidence of the sad state of affairs.

I have been wanting to work on a class piece from Ellen Chester for awhile, but felt like adding that into my rotation might create total havoc. So I've resisted and continued to work on the other pieces that have been screaming loudly at me. But with September being all about smalls, I thought it would be a great chance to pull it out and work on it without feeling bad, not that I ever feel bad about stitching something that is so loudly calling my name mind you, it's just well, you understand if you have this whole stitching ADD thing. So, last evening I went looking through my stash to find said piece entitled "Call of the Sea". Well, it may be calling, but I can't find it. I've looked in the 2 places that I was sure it would be. Not there. However, I did find a host of other things to keep me busy while I hunt some more. Thought I'd share the list and then at the end of the month see what I've managed to accomplish.

1. Turtle Scissors Fob (Moss Creek) - so, here's the deal, I've stitched half of this once already, for my DF Heather with another DF Jill doing the other side. We did this because H. lost hers on a plane trip right before she was ready to put it together. I have no idea what was keeping me from finishing this. I didn't get a picture before I started on it tonight, but here's how it looked by the time I was through.
The deal is the top/front with the cute turtle - already finished. The bottom/back side, complete except for the blackwork on the right and bottom sides, and the next 3 bands/squares of 4 sided stitch, chain stitch and the nun's stitch I'm currently working on. I should have gotten this all but put together, but I took time out to do a couple of things, like talk to my DF C.J. in CA (that's a lot of initials all strung together!) Oh and watch "Over the Hedge" with my parents, since I don't have children and hey, you have to watch those types of great movies with someone else. If I pick this up tomorrow, I should have it finished and maybe can find the beads I used when I put together the companion scissors case. Yep, for those not in the know, this is the 3rd part of a 3 part series from ASG. The other 2 parts are completed and I've been using them for years. So, it will be wonderful to get this all nice and completed. It's a really pretty set. I'll take pictures when I've actually finished this one.

2. Pedestal Pin Cushion - Indigo Rose - Yet another ASG project, but not quite as old, it's only from 2005. This piece is so very cool! This is done with not just 2 different colors of fabric, but the stitch counts are different too. It works because it's on the diagonal As you can see from the picture of the bad you have to pull the fibers of the gray fabric through the white fabric and then tie together the pulled through fibers to make it say put, oh and yes, it's stuffed. And yes again, those are Bullion Knots on the gray. His is finished except for the Bullion knots that are in the white fabric at the tip of the corners of the gray fabric. Then it's a matter of getting it ready to cut and put on the cute pedestal, and voila! a pin cushion. Count this as another quick finish in the wings.

3. She Maketh Fine Linen "Sampler Pocket" - Moss Creek - Yep, this is from ASG as well, 2004. This is actually the front part all completed I think. Just have to do the other side. I didn't want to make it from the larger sized fabric she gave us, this was the teaching piece for the bigger project The whole set is a Nantucket basket with scissors pocket, needle slide case, double sided pincushion, stitched ruler, emery, needlebook and then the teaching piece was this pocket made to hold a small tape measurer, you could also make a miniature stocking as your teaching piece, both designed in 28 ct, although the actual set is done in a 32 ct. linen. I wanted them all to match and between the aforementioned Heather (who in all things math is most excellent), figured out how to make it work with the materials given and what other changes had to be made in the stitching to accommodate the size. So, have to stitch the other side to be ready to make anything from this.

4. Deck The Home - The Trilogy - (sorry no picture of this one). I saw this done at a shop in the Atlanta area, Abecedarius, and just HAD to have it to do. It was done over 1 and then made into a needlework set. A pincushion, scissors fob and scissors case (I think). See, I took a picture of it when I was there and saw it and bought the kit. However, that PDA has since bit the proverbial dust and I don't have that picture to look back on. This means I'm going from memory at this point. I know that the ornament was the fob, so I just have to finish another side. I think the case was the tree, so again, have to figure out the other size. The pincushion will be the present. Now, this might not be exactly what they did, but I'm going to wing it. I have plenty of fabric to be able to do another tree and ornament so that's my goal (so to speak, if I had goals, which I don't.)

5. A Needlework Garden Thread Pallet case - Old Colonial Designs - I purchased this in June of last year while in AZ for...gosh this sounds awful...ASG. I started working this on Jan. 1, 2007 and there really isn't much left to finish this one off as you can see. Just another bunny and some borders.

6. Jacobean Thread Winder set - Moss Creek (again) - Another ASG class piece, this one from June 2006 in AZ. I've actually started the scissors case, but haven't made massive progress on it yet. I adore this piece and want to work on it so much. It's another one that's been calling my name a lot lately.

7. Sewing Case - Catherine Theron - ASG Oct. 2006 class piece. Bargello for the front of the case, maybe 1/2 done? One other part of this piece is finished but don't have it in front of me to tell you which part.

8. "B" Is For Bunny - The Sweetheart Tree - give from Heather for my birthday, 2 years ago I think. It feeds my love of rabbits, so I'm willing to call this a small, but I'm not sure it qualifies.

9. (I almost forgot this one) Pineapple Pin Purse - Moss Creek - This is all but ready to be put together. As soon as I figure out where I put to so I'd find it to work on it this month, I'll take a picture of it.

There are others, but these are the ones I feel calling my name. Check back for progress reports or maybe pictures of other smalls in my collection that I've come across. (Which reminds me, must redo my organization of these things. Can't believe I can't find some I really want to work on.)

Thursday, September 6, 2007

It's Wednesday already?

Seriously, I'm totally off by a day this week. I know, that's what happens when Monday is a holiday. But still, I usually can figure it out by the Wednesdays. Not this week. I completely forgot that I have both a standing meeting and band practice on Wednesdays. Oh, I remembered it at some point today, even told someone I had band practice and a meeting. But when it came right down to it, I forgot. I think it had something to do with going to JoAnn's and finding the perfect materials for 4 smalls I've finished in the last year.

Yes, that's right, I went to JoAnn's to find fabric and actually found something that would work. This of course means that I'm one step closer to doing some actual finishing. I think I'm almost inspired. Who knows, I might sit down tomorrow afternoon/evening and get to work. Not that anyone should hold their breath or even be waiting patiently to see pictures here. No, just the thought of having what I need is not enough. I need to feel inspired to do finishing. We'll see what tomorrow brings.

While we're discussion stitching...I took some pictures of what some friends I and affectionately call "cubie" today. Thought you might enjoy seeing what I've managed to accomplish. The first is a picture of what I've actually finished. The top is the "Autumn" side, the bottom the "Winter" side. Oh yeah, the actual name of this piece is "All Year Square" and it's by Betsy Morgan. It was a class from ASG back in 2005.
As you can see I started working on the "Summer" side. What it's not obvious that this is the summer part? You can't tell that's a frog there in the center? Wow, I can't imagine why? I'm actually quite pleased with how much I accomplished yesterday night. I'm sorry that the picture doesn't show the fabric color that well. But I'm very happy with how well you can see the alphabet in this picture. I don't think it shows up this well in real life, but that's just me. This is really a cute piece, so we'll see how much I can get done during this "month of smalls". I went through my stash today and found several pieces that are smalls and that are almost finished. I'll be working on some of them this month as well. Maybe clear out a few things.

Speaking of WIPs. On one of the boards I read someone asked how many WIPs everyone had, whether they thought they'd finish them all, and finally what keeps you from finishing something. Well, I was appalled. Only a few people had answered, but still, here they were apologizing for having 5 of 12 of 17 WIPs. Amatures! Seriously that's nothing. You want embarrassing, try somewhere in the 75 WIP range (give or take a few). That's potentially embarrassing. However, I'm not embarrassed. Why should I be? I enjoy stitching. I do it to relax. I do not stitch to be the first to finish a piece. Rather I stitch to be somewhat creative and, although here I'm repeating myself, to relax. I think the first year I found a stitching retreat I thought I'd found heaven. Here's this opportunity to go, take classes and learn something and get new patterns. I thought it was wonderful. So wonderful that for as many years as I went to those stitching festivals...and some of you know which ones I mean...I took at the minimum 5 classes. And then there's ASG. I have been to every fall ASG since Rae & Ron first starting having them. So that along is another 4 projects each year. It's amazing how many actual class pieces I have. And since I like to start stitching in class, all of them have some stitching on them. Heck, I could stitch from my class stash alone for several years.

Anyway, I loved the question, but kind of felt odd with my answer to the first question. And really I should finish more stuff. And as you can see, I actually do finish things. I especially finish when I have a real deadline. I'm not so great with fake ones, but the real ones I can usually manage. So, anyone else want to give a shout out with their count of stitching WIPs here in my comments? I'd love to know I'm not alone out here with this many WIPs!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Weekend Round-up...sort of

Friday Night I managed to finally get out and to the knit in at KnitWitz. I've been so sporadic with going what with work, being sick and just stuff. Glad I went Friday though. Managed to purchase the new Cat Bordhi book "New Pathways for Sock Knitters: Book One". There were only 2 copies left and I snagged one when I figured out what it was. Let me just say this book is so very cool. So very different...and so very totally making me want to sit and knit socks. So, Friday night when I finally got home after knitting and eating fabulous Mexican food, I found a single skein of yarn that I was fairly certain would work and did my little gauge swatch like she tells you to, well almost like she tells you to, and then started the 1st of the practice socks. I worked on it Saturday and then finished it Sunday evening. Between the book and working on my HP year 2 Sock Exchange sock, all I did was knit from Friday until Sunday. Actually I only knitted yesterday for Labor Day (what a funny name for a holiday...Labor Day and we get it off, well some of us do at least.) Anyway, it was an all knitting long weekend.

But back to the new book....I highly recommend this book. It has great pictures to help those of us who need visual aides as well as great written directions. I haven't quite figured out that very cool cast-on she shows you, but I'll get it eventually. I was too excited to really sit down and concentrate. Just had to get started on this first pathway sock. I've started it's mate, so it will eventually go to some deserving child. Just have to figure out which one.

In other knitting news. I also put together my Eliza Tank on Friday at the knit-in and got to ring the bell! I haven't posed for pictures with it on yet, stay tuned for those. Finally I did work on my Lynton cardigan yesterday while watching football. At least I managed to do something constructive during a game that for at least half of it I was not feeling the love, or the football for that matter. Let me just say that I have hopes that the rest of the season will go a bit better now that they have that nastiness out of their system. But I'm a realist and know that an almost entire new offensive coaching staff and a few months does not a National Championship make. But like my Michigan friends I have other things to look forward to in the season and I'll set my sights on those little tidbits of possible football joy. (BTW, yes, I did graduate from Florida State, so I earned the right to be a 'Nole. I fully believe that if you graduated from any school you have the right to be a huge fan. But that's another post, for another time.)

A quick stitching note. September is "September Smalls" month, which means working on any of those small projects that have accumulated in my WIPs/UFOs/Stash. I deviated from the normal Tuesday Christmas Ornament stitching to pull out "the cubie" and have a go at it. I have fall and winter side done, so opted for Summer, since hey...technically it's still summer. Managed to get a bit done. I'll try to take some pictures and post them tomorrow.

I think that does it. Happy knitting and stitching!
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