...how very fast weekends go? I mean really. It was Friday, then it was Monday morning and it felt like only one day passed by. I think part of that is I went to the last FSU home football game Saturday, so not a whole lot got accomplished and I wasn't home so the weekend felt short.
Speaking of football. Like a lot of good southern girls I love college football. (Ok, I love most any kind of football, little kids, pro, high school, it's all good.) College football has traditions. Some are really amazing traditions. I don't care what team you root for you have to love the traditions that surround the game. Things like the "Power T", the Mountaineer firing his gun, the Trojan horse, yeah, even the Gator chomp, they're traditions. My alma mater has a few of it's own and one of them involves a guy named Osceola, a horse named Renegade and a flaming spear. Saturday was the last time the young man who has portrayed Osceola rode Renegade. He's graduating either next month or in the spring. Next year a new student will become Osceola. I love that the clothes Osceola wears are the genuine article. Made by the Florida Seminole tribe for the student who portrays our mascot.

Saturday was a noon start, but it was still great. I'm always a little sad after the last home game of the season. This year is no different. It was a beautiful day. The temperature was perfect. We had a cool fly-over after the National Anthem by the Coast Guard.

(I actually remembered my camera, with the battery and a flash card so I could take some pictures.) The home team won, giving Bobby Bowden his 300th win at FSU. To celebrate that milestone, we went by the statue and had our picture taken.

(That's my friend Selena on the left.) Oh, and actually we didn't realize that Bobby had reached such a milestone, that just sounds better then we were walking back to the car by way of the sod cemetery and decided "hey we're so close to the B.B. statue, let's go check it out!"
This leads me to the fact that the folks at AllState have a T.V. ad that features this statue. It's a funny ad, but I have a problem with it. You can tell it's not taken anywhere near our stadium. Heck, it doesn't even look like our stadium. (And before anyone says anything, I realize that there's a reason for that. Allstate paid to use Bobby Bowden's name and likeness, but didn't pay the university to use our colors or shots at our actual school, which is kind of funny, since they obviously had to pay someone to use the facade of a stadium, so why not pay the university, that's if they could of course, which I'm not sure they could.) So, here's a still shot of the car hitting the statue, since apparently everyone in the country hasn't seen this, and hey, I'm trying to make a point, which is hard without visuals.

At least they got the statue almost exactly the same. That's something I guess.
Enough of that, on to what I actually accomplished this weekend. I did manage to do some knitting on the way over and back from the game. Selena drove, so I knitted.

This is what I knitted. I didn't actually finish it, I did that while watching some of the last NASCAR race of the 2007 season. (Another milestone for the year, which my friend Jean is mourning far harder then I am since she's a bigger fan then me. Don't worry
Jean, Daytona is only 3 months away.) Anyway, this is another dishcloth from the patterns I get monthly as part of the Dishcloth club
Knitwitz has. This has to be my favorite pattern so far. It was very easy, and went really fast. I like it so much I started another in a skein of Peaches & Creme I had picked up on sale somewhere. The new one is variegated and it's turning out so pretty.
Christmas decorating continued, or at least preperations for decorating continued. Today we managed to unpack 2 boxes of Santa Clauses. There's a story that goes with this, but I'll save that for later in the week, maybe tomorrow. This post has gone on way to long as it is without adding that to the mix.
(Isn't it funny how things happen? I was typing this in and got an email from my friend Angie who moved to Texas with her husband a couple of years ago. I miss Angie and her DH Frank. Anyway, she sent me this hilarious email about the differences between football in the north and football in the south. It was funny and scarily, somewhat true.)