Monday already?
How can the weekend go so quickly? I mean wasn't it just Friday? Wasn't I just trying to leave work at 5 pm so I could go knit with the girls? I know it was! And yet I woke up this morning and it was Monday and I had to start back to work. (To be honest, this week won't see a lot of work getting done I'm afraid. My mom has to go have a couple of "proceedures" done on Wed. that involve yucky prep. on Tues. and my dad has an appointment on Fri. that I really should go to with him.)
However, I did think that I would kind of update things with what I have on my knitting needles and what I hope to have on them soon.
First what
I'm working on that you've heard about but maybe haven't seen....I bring you "the Noro purse". I'm sure it has a real name, but that works for me. I can't remember the color of the yarn it uses, but I love the teal's and tan/gold colors along with the darker greens. It's really coming out perfect for me. Yes, this one is going to be for me. I'm planning on this being my Fall 2007 purse. I'll probably do another one as a gift, since the pattern is really easy and once you figure it out you can just knit and relax with this one. I admit that I like a mindless type knit every once in awhile.
Next is something that truthfully I started last year, then put up and have picked back
up. It's really not that far along, but I'm hoping to get some major work done on it this Sat. at the "Midnight Knit" at my favorite place to spend my money and knit at...KnitWitz. It's a cute little shell made from Touche and is a free pattern from Berroco called Eliza. I just love Touche, it's so soft, plus the cotton in FL in the summer is going to be great. Now to get it finished. You can't see, but it's knit from the bottom up and the bottom has this lovely little ruffle. Just too cute! The green is one of my favorite shades of green too, so green apple and to me it's a great summer color. Would be nice to finish it in time to wear it this summer, would be extra nice if I could finish it before I go to Atlanta in July for the HP movie party and stitching fun with the group up there. Ahhh, nothing like dreaming!
The final pi
cture to show you is something that I'm kind of stuck on. I'm waiting to get the dpn's I need for it. (Hint, hint Kathe just in case you're reading.) It takes 10's and I have almost every other large size but that. I figure sooner or later they will come in. It's not like I've got this pressing need for the hat this summer. I love the black with the funky blue color. Once I get this finished I'll need to felt it, along with a couple of other things I've already finished but haven't felted. I found the pattern at a little store in Bristol, VA/TN (I seriously don't remember if we were on the VA or TN side of Bristol, but at least I remember the town!) We were up for a family reunion and I'd found the store and made my parents make a quick trip to see what they had. The pattern comes with a pattern for the cutest flower to knit, which I'll do last and with the periwinkle blue color.
Ok, so I lied, I'm not going to show you the picture of something I have planned today. I think I'll save it for tomorrow. I will tell you that I did manage to get some stitching in this weekend. I mainly worked on Alyssum pocket, which is so pretty, by Cat's Whiskers. I'll try to get a scan of it tomorrow to show you. Gotta leave you with something to come back for!
Oh and I want to say "hi" to my HP Sock exchange pal. She emailed me and has taken a look here. So far I'm not sure who she is, but I have my suspicions about which house she's from. Wonder if I'm right......
Finally!! I get to see the mythical Noro purse! =) Love the colors; definitely you.