Sunday, April 29, 2007
An explanation
Needless to say, several days spent at the hospital waiting around has some rewards. I worked mainly on the Noro bag, and I've got it ready to put together. Now I have to find some material to make the lining and get that cut and put together. Oh, and I have to decide if I'm going to finish the handles they way they do in the book. But for all intents and purposes, the knitting is done.
I also worked on the Monkey socks. In fact, I realized that somewhere along the line I'd dropped 2 stitches and they had traveled down to a point that I couldn't retrieve them and fix things. So, in frustration I just ripped the whole thing out and started the second sock over. I'm almost done with the second repeat, so it's coming along fairly quickly.
I would have worked on the cable bag (don't think I've posted about this one yet), but realized I didn't have a cable needle with me, nor did I have a dpn that I could use. Oh well, all in good time.
I also managed to come up with an idea for the bag competition at KnitWitz. I am going to have to check on something though to make sure I stay within the rules. I hope I can do what I'm thinking of, but if not, I'll adjust the idea.
I'm still not caught up on rest so I'm off to sit around and relax some more. Maybe even knit!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Wrapping up in April

In fact, last night I finished the stitching on the second of 4 ornaments I'm stitching for the exchange. The Bird's Carol by Praiseworthy Stitches (as seen above). It didn't take long at all to stitch up, so that was nice. Now to find the beads and then get the materials all kitted up.
After I blogged about UFO Thursday Rebecca said she didn't know there was a day for UFO's. Well, I'm not sure that it's universal or anything, but some of us on the Legacy Board (ezBoard) wo are trying to work on reducing the number of UFO's we have, decided that this year we'd declare Thursdays as UFO stitching day, then on the second weekend of the month it's UFO stitching the whole weekend. I finished a sampler so far, and am working on another, ok more then one other, on UFO days. I like the idea of having a day set aside to stitch on something that has been languishing in my pile of goodies. Anyone can join the fun, there aren't really any rules, except you are supposed to work on a UFO in your stash during those times if you are stitching. Of course, that leaves you 6 other days to start new things!
On top of the Legacy/UFO stitching Thrusdays, my friend Heather and I came up with a theme for each month. April is "Wrap it Up", meaning your goal is to wrap up work on some projects. Hence my desire to finish some things. For me finishing, really finishing, is the hardest part. I've got a stack of items to work on, but haven't and here it is with only 5 more days left in the month. Maybe I'll get some done, maybe I won't. Stay tuned and see.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
UFO Thursday came and went
Although I didn't manage to stitch, I did take some knitting along for the car ride. For once I didn't have to drive, and I was at the point on the Noro bag (which is really called Tovesta and is the Cornelia Tuttle Hamilton Noro book #2) where you start on the handle/strap. So I blindly followed the pattern, all the while saying to myself, "This isn't working out the way I would have done it." But do you think I stopped and thought that maybe the pattern was wrong in the book? OH NO! I still don't trust my "knitting instinct" enough to stop until I've proven to myself that it's not right. So I knit almost the entire row, which included binding off some stitches, and then counted and low and behold...the pattern wasn't right.
To compound the problem, my cable went out today, which apparently caused my computer to barf. So at 10PM I'm on the phone with tech support trying to figure out why my IP address can't be repaired and is that why I have no Internet. Let me just say that I only resort to calling tech support when I've done everything I know to do, things like recycling the modem (which consists of unplugging it and plugging it back in, or turning it off and then on which is usually the tech support cure-all in my experience), and trying to repair the Internet setting with the lovely little programs that should do that sort of thing, as well as turning the whole computer on and off, even hard rebooted the thing. All to no avail. So 30 minutes later the problem is finally fixed (having had to actually type in command line commands. Wow, haven't seen a prompt symbol in ages, almost forgot what they look like. All this to say, I obviously now have my connection back and all is right with the world.
I think a cup of tea and the mystery book beside my bed are calling my name. Hopefully I'll have pictures of something to show you tomorrow. All these words aren't as fun as pictures.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
It's only Tuesday!
But since it's only Tuesday and since I have to be up at FIVE A.M. in the morning (which I have to say is not a decent hour, in fact it's obscene in my book) to take my mom to have her endoscopy and colonoscopy done, I'm going to make this short. For those who know me, and know me well, shortness in discussions, and by extension e-mails and blogs, is not usually in my vocabulary. I usually can ramble on for hours on end. But not tonight. Tonight I give you this.
I do want to send out my thoughts to those who are part of the VA Tech community. One of my cousins attended VT while I was at FSU and I got to visit with him there once. It's a beautiful place, with wonderful people. This 'Nole sends her thoughts and prayers out to not only the Hokies I know, but those I don't. May you find peace in a time of terrible sadness.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Monday already?
However, I did think that I would kind of update things with what I have on my knitting needles and what I hope to have on them soon.
First what
Next is something that truthfully I started last year, then put up and have picked back
The final pi
Ok, so I lied, I'm not going to show you the picture of something I have planned today. I think I'll save it for tomorrow. I will tell you that I did manage to get some stitching in this weekend. I mainly worked on Alyssum pocket, which is so pretty, by Cat's Whiskers. I'll try to get a scan of it tomorrow to show you. Gotta leave you with something to come back for!
Oh and I want to say "hi" to my HP Sock exchange pal. She emailed me and has taken a look here. So far I'm not sure who she is, but I have my suspicions about which house she's from. Wonder if I'm right......
Thursday, April 12, 2007
It's a Bag Challange Contest
In other knitting news. I have a Hogwarts Sock Pal to send things too, as well as one to send things to me. (waving to both!) I really thought I'd been so smart and set up a new email that wouldn't give me away, and what happened, somehow the gmail muggles messed things up and put my actual name in the From. (ok, so I could have been a bit more careful and made sure my name didn't appear, but I was sure I did everything right....sigh..) But I'm excited and have decided what pattern I'm going to use for my pals socks and even the yarn. I think she'll like them. Now to work on the stitch markers. Along with my other crafts I bead, so I'll be digging into my stash and looking to see if I have something to work with. If not, I'll just HAVE to go bead shopping!
Tonight is UFO stitching night. I'm not sure exactly what I'll work on. I should work on Winter Garden Gate, really I should. But I'm just not feeling it. Who know, maybe when I sit down, pick up a needle, it will call. I'll let you know.
But for now, it's time to fix some dinner so I can stitch!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Hogwarts Sock Swap...let the fun begin!

a Gryffindor!
Hogwarts Sock Swap Questionnaire
1. What Hogwarts house have you been sorted into?
Gryffindor!!!! (I just love the colors!)
7 ½
9 inches
Average…I can measure if you really need to know.
Let me confess that I bought some steel DPN’s for a project because I was desperate and I didn’t really like them. I’ve not tried any others, since the CP’s are what my
6. Would you like to try a new brand needle? If so, which brand? Size? Length? Sure, I’ll try anything that’s wood, and size wise, it doesn’t much matter, anything from 0’s to 5’s would be great.
7. If you are a RAVENCLAW, do you prefer the colors in the film or the book? Do you have a strong preference? N/A

In other news....I actually stitched tonight! Tuesdays are supposed to be my night to stitch on ornaments. It's not like I don't have enough ornaments to stitch either, since I rashly said that I'd stitch 3 in the exchange I'm in with my stitching buddies, and then a surprise one...for a total of 4. FOUR?!?!!? What was I thinking? I mean really? FOUR??? But I've got 1 done and am making good progress on the second as you can see from this very cute picture.
I think I've bored everyone enough tonight, so I'm off to bed to read and get some sleep.
Monday, April 9, 2007
Monday musings
I did try to knit on the Noro purse, but today, when I picked it up while waiting with my mother in the doctor's office, I noticed I'd made a mistake. I'm not sure exactly when I made it, but I'd guess it was Friday night when I worked on it for an hour. I tried to just drop the stitches and fix it, but it's not working. I see a bit of "tink" stitch 5 rows of it! BLAH!!!
Oh well, that's part of making something with your hands, sometimes you have to re-do so you're happy with the results.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter. Ours was nice, if a bit cold and windy. Today we finally have gotten some much needed rain. I hope they are right when they say tomorrow is an 80% chance of the wet stuff. We are so in need of rain, or soon we'll be worrying about fires.
I received a wonderful early birthday present on Friday. My dear friend Jean, a fellow member of the "Stitch Queens", sent me a gift subscription to Martina's new "A Tuscany Town Mandala"! I've been admiring it since she posted pictures on ezboard. We were in Italy when I was little, but not in Tuscany, but I love the archetecture and the colors of that area. Not to mention it's on my list of places I want to travel to before I get too old...or something like that. I'm very excited and have already started trying to decide on a fabric. Thankfully there is a wonderful viewer that was created by one of the many people who love Martina's designs. That's helping a lot. I'm leaning toward something that's got some yellow/tan undertones. I like the way it looks on those. The white seems to stark to me and I don't want to totally blind myself by attempting it in anything too dark. I'll keep everyone posted on what I decide to choose.
I think I've rambled enough for one day. Happy Monday to all!
Thursday, April 5, 2007
April "Wrap-Up"
On to the important stuff...In the Year of Stitching, April is Wrap-Up month. A month to do finishing on smalls, ornaments or finish items that are close to being stitched, or knitted. I have a couple of smalls that I want to do the finishing on this month. I'm also working on the Moss Creek Winter Garden Gate, trying to finish it. The other item I think I'll try to finish is the biscornu I started. If I can get it stitched AND finished, that would be amazing!

That's it so far. The picture isn't great, but I love the way it's coming out.
Well, I might have a bit of time to stitch if I stop writing and head out of my office. Then maybe I'd have something to actually blog about!