...but I was apparently delusional. It turns out I couldn't fit my stuff in the suitcase that I thought I could take. I'm not sure what I was thinking to be honest. The problem is I either have the size you carry on, unless you're me I don't carry on a suitcase if I can keep from it, and especially not now with the RA not under control. Or you have the size that you can put a body in. So, since the former wouldn't hold everything, I had to resort to the latter. It's a bit of overkill, but, if I do purchase anything on any of the trips to various knitting/yarn/stitching/whatever stores, then I've got plenty of room to get it back home.
And yeah, I'm really such a chick that I have that large of a suitcase. And yes, I'll pay the cost to check it. It's worth it to me. Crazy I know, but I'm like that. Just 1 more wake up!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
Facebook is fun
Ok, I admit it. I may be slightly addicted to Facebook. There, I've said it. Now I can move on and enjoy things. It is good though. I've connected with a few cousins, a niece & nephew, a very dear friend who I managed to loose contact with for a few years. So, it's not all bad. At least that's what I keep telling myself.
What's bad are the applications. Yep, those can be bad. Things like trying to hatch an egg, or the pet that someone sent me that I've neglected again. I know, that's cruel, but it's not a real dog and let's face it, this may be why I don't have a real dog. Although when I did have a real dog, he had a great life and never wanted for anything. But you get the idea. There are some good applications. The Family Tree thing is kind of cool. Would be better if I knew more of my family was connected some how. I really like the map that shows all the places I've been. Need to go to some more places so it will get fuller!
I'm finally sleepy, so have a great Tuesday!
What's bad are the applications. Yep, those can be bad. Things like trying to hatch an egg, or the pet that someone sent me that I've neglected again. I know, that's cruel, but it's not a real dog and let's face it, this may be why I don't have a real dog. Although when I did have a real dog, he had a great life and never wanted for anything. But you get the idea. There are some good applications. The Family Tree thing is kind of cool. Would be better if I knew more of my family was connected some how. I really like the map that shows all the places I've been. Need to go to some more places so it will get fuller!
I'm finally sleepy, so have a great Tuesday!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
My Lynton Cardigan is finally finished. No pictures since I managed to get all the ends weaved in tonight before it was time to go to bed. Too late, plus I need a button that I forgot to get the other night at KnitWitz. I'll have to wait until Tuesday to do that, but it will be worth it.
In other good news, I've got almost all my things packed for the trip. Just have to put in 2 shirts that didn't get dry and my toiletries. Oh, and I have to decide on what projects to take with me to work on. That's always the hardest part! Right now I'm leaning towards taking Little Green Acorns and the SAL some of us have been doing and I haven't worked on in forever, Ye Shall Prosper.
So, that leaves 3 wake ups and 3 days of work before a long weekend spend with friends.
In other good news, I've got almost all my things packed for the trip. Just have to put in 2 shirts that didn't get dry and my toiletries. Oh, and I have to decide on what projects to take with me to work on. That's always the hardest part! Right now I'm leaning towards taking Little Green Acorns and the SAL some of us have been doing and I haven't worked on in forever, Ye Shall Prosper.
So, that leaves 3 wake ups and 3 days of work before a long weekend spend with friends.
happy dance,
Lynton cardi
Saturday, January 24, 2009
No excuses
Well, I have a few, but I'm sure you don't really care. But between work and life I've neglected the blog. Can't promise it won't happen again. The weather hasn't been my friend the last week either. But you don't care about that, you care about this...
Yep, that's what Little Green Acorns looks like now. I have to say, the more I work on this, the more I like it. I haven't stitched all week though so it's sat looking like that for about a week. Hopefully I'll feel like working on it tomorrow some.
I did finish a little something tonight, but I don't have a picture yet. I'll seriously try to get one tomorrow.
Tonight, thanks to DF Kathe, I was able to start the collar of a sweater I've had almost finished for over a year. She took great pity on my and sewed all the pieces together for me and tonight I picked up the stitches and started work on the collar. It's a simple rib, so it will hopefully go quickly. Would be lovely to have it to wear next week in Atlanta. I may forgo stitching until then so I can get it finished. Guess it will depend on what yells the loudest.
On the reading front I'm almost finished with the book I've been reading. Finally. I have so many waiting in the wings that I want to read, plus more that I don't have on my shelves. Really do need to read more.
I did finish a little something tonight, but I don't have a picture yet. I'll seriously try to get one tomorrow.
Tonight, thanks to DF Kathe, I was able to start the collar of a sweater I've had almost finished for over a year. She took great pity on my and sewed all the pieces together for me and tonight I picked up the stitches and started work on the collar. It's a simple rib, so it will hopefully go quickly. Would be lovely to have it to wear next week in Atlanta. I may forgo stitching until then so I can get it finished. Guess it will depend on what yells the loudest.
On the reading front I'm almost finished with the book I've been reading. Finally. I have so many waiting in the wings that I want to read, plus more that I don't have on my shelves. Really do need to read more.
Little Green Acorns,
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Quick Catch-up
Nothing to show, although I have actually accomplished a bit lately. Today was a tough day at work. The company where I've been working as a contractor started laying off people in N. & S. America. That includes where I happen to work. Needless to say it wasn't a very fun day. It is nice that the company has arranged for a placement service to work with those who are being let go, including resume services. In the area I work in most, if not all, are technical people, so hopefully they won't go long without finding a job. I hope so.
But back to more enjoyable things, like knitting and stitching and all those fun things.
I've been working on Little Green Acorns and have almost finished what looks like the last large row. It's all blackwork and very prettily done in 3 different colors. I thought I would work on it today, but then realized I really do need to work on the square of Great American Aran Afghan that I'm teaching Saturday. So, I started that tonight. I didn't feel like doing too much this evening. Just sitting and knitting was about all I could manage. Other then that, I've also been working on my dad's sock. The goal is to finish it by the end of the month. Sounds and feels do-able.
Reading wise I've kind of fallen off. Been trying to get a chapter a day, but haven't quite made it. Still there is forward progress.
That about covers it. Hope everyone has a great Wednesday!
But back to more enjoyable things, like knitting and stitching and all those fun things.
I've been working on Little Green Acorns and have almost finished what looks like the last large row. It's all blackwork and very prettily done in 3 different colors. I thought I would work on it today, but then realized I really do need to work on the square of Great American Aran Afghan that I'm teaching Saturday. So, I started that tonight. I didn't feel like doing too much this evening. Just sitting and knitting was about all I could manage. Other then that, I've also been working on my dad's sock. The goal is to finish it by the end of the month. Sounds and feels do-able.
Reading wise I've kind of fallen off. Been trying to get a chapter a day, but haven't quite made it. Still there is forward progress.
That about covers it. Hope everyone has a great Wednesday!
Little Green Acorns,
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Stitching fun
Today I had lunch with my DF Melody. We had a nice meal and then went to our local stitching store (that also has yarn for a full fiber experience), A Stitch In Time. I picked up the latest edition of Just CrossStitch after looking at Melody's when we got together to stitch at her house. If you haven't noticed, I love band samplers. JCS is running a 2 part band sampler for Sharon Cohen. If you haven't seen it, you should take a look. Both Mel and I discussed how much we liked this sampler, so today, we both picked up supplies for part of the 1st part.
That's enough for the first 3 bands. I'm trying not to start until I finish Little Green Acorns. Speaking of which, how about a picture of what that piece looked like after I worked on it through New Year's Day.
I've had some time this week to stitch and have finished the next 3 bands. Don't have an updated picture, but I'll try to get one this weekend. I'm more then 1/2 done, might be close to 2/3rds. Would be great to finish it this month. We'll see what happens.
Oh, I also decided that I needed the fibers for another project in this month's JCS. I'm a huge Jane Austen fan, so I decided the piece "Persuasion" would be a great small project to work on.
Not only is it small in size, but it's all cross stitch, so it might actually get completed. Well stitched at least, the finishing thing seems hard lately.
So, a little stash enhancement for the stitching stash. Hopefully I'll make use of it soon. I'm still determined to finish some things too, but you know how those starts just look like so much fun!
2009 For Me:
Knitting: worked on Masonic Lodge socks on the drive to & from work.
Stitching: Finished the other 1/2 of the row I started yesterday and finished 2 other rows.
Reading: B is For Burglar - 1 chapter - finished 1 last night before I went to sleep.
That's enough for the first 3 bands. I'm trying not to start until I finish Little Green Acorns. Speaking of which, how about a picture of what that piece looked like after I worked on it through New Year's Day.
Oh, I also decided that I needed the fibers for another project in this month's JCS. I'm a huge Jane Austen fan, so I decided the piece "Persuasion" would be a great small project to work on.
So, a little stash enhancement for the stitching stash. Hopefully I'll make use of it soon. I'm still determined to finish some things too, but you know how those starts just look like so much fun!
2009 For Me:
Knitting: worked on Masonic Lodge socks on the drive to & from work.
Stitching: Finished the other 1/2 of the row I started yesterday and finished 2 other rows.
Reading: B is For Burglar - 1 chapter - finished 1 last night before I went to sleep.
2009 For Me,
Little Green Acorns,
Stash Enhancement,
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Tuesday happenings
Really not all that much. I went to work. I worked. I came home. I read some stuff for a meeting at work tomorrow. I ate. I stitched and watched a little TV. I'm ready for bed. That pretty much sums up my entire day. Scary. Throw in the fact that the meeting I had tonight was canceled, it actually wasn't all that bad of a day. That being said, here's the update for today. Unless I can come up with something a little catchier I'm going to call that section "2009 For Me". Ideas are being accepted.
2009 For Me:
Knitting: worked on Masonic Lodge socks on the drive to & from work.
Stitching: 1/2 a row on Little Green Acorns. (Must remember to get the color I'm apparently missing tomorrow.)
Reading: B is For Burglar - 1 chapter - well I will when I shut down my computer and lay down with the book.
2009 For Me:
Knitting: worked on Masonic Lodge socks on the drive to & from work.
Stitching: 1/2 a row on Little Green Acorns. (Must remember to get the color I'm apparently missing tomorrow.)
Reading: B is For Burglar - 1 chapter - well I will when I shut down my computer and lay down with the book.
Monday, January 5, 2009
It's a new year!
Ok, so I'm late, but I had things to do and stuff. (Yes, I did almost nothing on Saturday, but that doesn't count.) I'm here now with a quick update on what's happened since last I typed and you might have read.
New Years Eve and Day was spent with friends in Savannah. We had a wonderful time, but then that group usually does. Dinner at Corleone's Trattoria was amazing! (Sorry, no website.) Then we went to the show. Afterwards there was dancing on the stage as the band kept playing great music. We ended the night opening the 5th bottle of champagne in the Fox's room and toasting to the new year.
(That's me at the restuarant. I look a little blurry there but I think it was the picture taker's fault and had nothing to do with the 4 bottles of champagne that had been drunk and the fact that I'm holding my 2nd Cosmo.)
The next day we all managed to rouse ourselves and had breakfast at Clary's (again no website), but you don't need one. Any local can tell you how to get there and it's well worth it. Breakfast was delicious. And yes, for those who read Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, it's that Clary's. A few of us decided to opt for the trolley tour. I'd never been on the one there and it was very interesting. I would love to go back and spend more then a night and day there for a change and go on the ghost tour.
Then it was home, where I spent the weekend doing stuff. Nothing special, nothing exciting, just stuff.
A long time ago, more like a couple of years really, I decided it wasn't worth making resolutions at the beginning of the year. However, I do try to take a little stock of things and decide what I might want to try and change. So, here's my list, that is subject to change at any moment.
Today's Count:
Knitting: worked on Masonic Lodge socks, finished another repeat after ripping back 4.
Stitching: nothing
Reading: B is For Burglar - 1 chapter.
New Years Eve and Day was spent with friends in Savannah. We had a wonderful time, but then that group usually does. Dinner at Corleone's Trattoria was amazing! (Sorry, no website.) Then we went to the show. Afterwards there was dancing on the stage as the band kept playing great music. We ended the night opening the 5th bottle of champagne in the Fox's room and toasting to the new year.

The next day we all managed to rouse ourselves and had breakfast at Clary's (again no website), but you don't need one. Any local can tell you how to get there and it's well worth it. Breakfast was delicious. And yes, for those who read Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, it's that Clary's. A few of us decided to opt for the trolley tour. I'd never been on the one there and it was very interesting. I would love to go back and spend more then a night and day there for a change and go on the ghost tour.
Then it was home, where I spent the weekend doing stuff. Nothing special, nothing exciting, just stuff.
A long time ago, more like a couple of years really, I decided it wasn't worth making resolutions at the beginning of the year. However, I do try to take a little stock of things and decide what I might want to try and change. So, here's my list, that is subject to change at any moment.
- Continue to eat healthier. This is even more important now I think with the RA diagnosis.
- Exercise more. See above bullet for the reason. I want to start taking yoga, or pilates, or something of that nature.
- Take time to do something I enjoy each day for at least 15 minutes. Whether it's knitting or stitching I need to make sure I do something. I'm going to start posting what I managed to work on each day as a measure and to keep myself accountable.
- Blog more. I like blogging, I just need to be more faithful with it.
- Read at least a chapter a day. I've not been reading as much as I normally do. I love books and miss them, so this shouldn't be hard. Again, I may even start writing down here what I manage to do on this one.
Today's Count:
Knitting: worked on Masonic Lodge socks, finished another repeat after ripping back 4.
Stitching: nothing
Reading: B is For Burglar - 1 chapter.
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