I had no idea what to name this post, so there you go. It's mainly just an update with a couple of pictures.
This weekend I taught a crochet class that was a lot of fun. Both ladies were interested and they did a good job. There's a second session to this class, so they'll be back for more.
After class was the Midnight-Knit-in at KnitWitz. It was crazy as usual. Lots of people turned out and that led to lots of laughter. I even managed to finish up two projects and complete the front of my Lynton cardigan that's been troubling...more on that later. But first I give you the Easy Peasy baby Cardi.

(That's Graham modeling for your pleasure.) The sad news is that the baby is too big for this cardigan. The good news is I've got a present made already for the next baby that comes along, as long as it's a girl since I'm not sure a little boy would look right in this color. I had all the knitting done, but had never done the seaming. After Sat. night I know why. It's all nice and soft and chenilley, but to seam it up is a real pain in the patootie. However with the help of knitting friends who passed me a cookie or two during the process (thanks Eric), I managed to "get 'er done" as they say.
I also finished the Slingshot for coffee cups that I was working on as a present for a friend of mine. I'm not sure that she reads this blog, but either way I don't have a picture of it since I also don't have a cup at home that will fit it.
Finally the saga of the Lynton cardigan continues. I knew I had a problem, but I couldn't figure out what I'd done wrong. Seriously, I was stumped. I thought about just ripping it back to where you start casting off for the neckline, but then thought that maybe, just maybe, DF
Corinna could figure it out and I wouldn't have to go to such drastic measures. So, Sat. during my class Corinna took a look, and looked and thought and ripped, and then decided that she had no idea what I'd done either and it had to be ripped back to the point I had established as the jumping off point. She was so sweet, she even did the ripping for me so it wouldn't be so painful. Don't let anyone tell you any different, she is a wonderful person! (Oh and she has pictures of the festivities Sat. on her blog so click the link on over there!) Before I left I managed to finish the front and it's correct! It really was a good feeling to get that done. I would normally have gone ahead and done the seaming needed to be able to start the collar, but instead I've started a new project.
sleeves. Between the wedding being in the NC mountains and the temperature that most restaurants are kept, I know that I'll need something to keep my arms warm. So, I decided on the Cropped Cardi with Leaf Ties by Stephani Japel. Some of you may know her as
Glampyre Knits. She has some beautiful patterns and this wonderful book entitled Fitted Knits. So, I decided to do this one since a) it's knit from the top down, raglan style which means no seaming, b)it's just too adorable and c) it was a good excuse to purchase the book (and before anyone says anything I know, that pattern is available on Knitty, but hey, give a girl a break). I cast on for it Sunday and it's coming along, at least it was until I realized that I'd left out an increase on row 16 and I as on row 34. I ripped back last night and as off today at lunch I was almost backI know, I wasn't going to start anything new until I finished that cardigan, but time is of the essence. The last weekend in June is my very DF Maria's wedding. She was my first college roommate and the only one that I'm still in contact with and perhaps that makes her one of my oldest friends. She asked me to be in her wedding and of course I said yes! Like me, she's never been married so this a huge deal. She's getting married Sat. night and of course I have a beautiful dress that she picked out for that. However, there is a Bridesmaid's breakfast that morning and that will be a little dressy. I have a dress picked out, but I want a cover-up since it doesn't have to where I was before the carnage. Take a look...

I'm using Cotton Fleece by Brown Sheep. It's a perfect substitute. I will probably have to make some adjustments so it will fit me perfectly, but I'm feeling up to the challenge.
So, that's all. I'm just here, knitting away this week. I haven't picked up anything to stitch, but that's ok. I'm happy with my knitting for now.