Having already admitted to the fact that I have more WIPs then I may possibly finish in this lifetime, I bring you further evidence of the sad state of affairs.
I have been wanting to work on a class piece from Ellen Chester for awhile, but felt like adding that into my rotation might create total havoc. So I've resisted and continued to work on the other pieces that have been screaming loudly at me. But with September being all about smalls, I thought it would be a great chance to pull it out and work on it without feeling bad, not that I ever feel bad about stitching something that is so loudly calling my name mind you, it's just well, you understand if you have this whole stitching ADD thing. So, last evening I went looking through my stash to find said piece entitled "Call of the Sea". Well, it may be calling, but I can't find it. I've looked in the 2 places that I was sure it would be. Not there. However, I did find a host of other things to keep me busy while I hunt some more. Thought I'd share the list and then at the end of the month see what I've managed to accomplish.
1. Turtle Scissors Fob (
Moss Creek) - so, here's the deal, I've stitched half of this once already, for my DF Heather with another DF Jill doing the other side. We did this because H. lost hers on a plane trip right before she was ready to put it together. I have no idea what was keeping me from finishing this. I didn't get a picture before I started on it tonight, but here's how it looked by the time I was through.

The deal is the top/front with the cute turtle - already finished. The bottom/back side, complete except for the blackwork on the right and bottom sides, and the next 3 bands/squares of 4 sided stitch, chain stitch and the nun's stitch I'm currently working on. I should have gotten this all but put together, but I took time out to do a couple of things, like talk to my DF C.J. in CA (that's a lot of initials all strung together!) Oh and watch "Over the Hedge" with my parents, since I don't have children and hey, you have to watch those types of great movies with someone else. If I pick this up tomorrow, I should have it finished and maybe can find the beads I used when I put together the companion scissors case. Yep, for those not in the know, this is the 3rd part of a 3 part series from
ASG. The other 2 parts are completed and I've been using them for years. So, it will be wonderful to get this all nice and completed. It's a really pretty set. I'll take pictures when I've actually finished this one.

2. Pedestal Pin Cushion - Indigo Rose - Yet another ASG project, but not quite as old, it's only from 2005. This piece is so very cool! This is done with not just 2 different colors of fabric, but the stitch counts are different too. It works because it's on the diagonal As you can see from the picture of the bad you have to

pull the fibers of the gray fabric through the white fabric and then tie together the pulled through fibers to make it say put, oh and yes, it's stuffed. And yes again, those are Bullion Knots on the gray. His is finished except for the Bullion knots that are in the white fabric at the tip of the corners of the gray fabric. Then it's a matter of getting it ready to cut and put on the cute pedestal, and voila! a pin cushion. Count this as another quick finish in the wings.

3. She Maketh Fine Linen "Sampler Pocket" - Moss Creek - Yep, this is from ASG as well, 2004. This is actually the front part all completed I think. Just have to do the other side. I didn't want to make it from the larger sized fabric she gave us, this was the teaching piece for the bigger project The whole set is a Nantucket basket with scissors pocket, needle slide case, double sided pincushion, stitched ruler, emery, needlebook and then the teaching piece was this pocket made to hold a small tape measurer, you could also make a miniature stocking as your teaching piece, both designed in 28 ct, although the actual set is done in a 32 ct. linen. I wanted them all to match and between the aforementioned Heather (who in all things math is most excellent), figured out how to make it work with the materials given and what other changes had to be made in the stitching to accommodate the size. So, have to stitch the other side to be ready to make anything from this.
4. Deck The Home - The Trilogy - (sorry no picture of this one). I saw this done at a shop in the Atlanta area, Abecedarius, and just HAD to have it to do. It was done over 1 and then made into a needlework set. A pincushion, scissors fob and scissors case (I think). See, I took a picture of it when I was there and saw it and bought the kit. However, that PDA has since bit the proverbial dust and I don't have that picture to look back on. This means I'm going from memory at this point. I know that the ornament was the fob, so I just have to finish another side. I think the case was the tree, so again, have to figure out the other size. The pincushion will be the present. Now, this might not be exactly what they did, but I'm going to wing it. I have plenty of fabric to be able to do another tree and ornament so that's my goal (so to speak, if I had goals, which I don't.)

5. A Needlework Garden Thread Pallet case - Old Colonial Designs - I purchased this in June of last year while in AZ for...gosh this sounds awful...ASG. I started working this on Jan. 1, 2007 and there really isn't much left to finish this one off as you can see. Just another bunny and some borders.
6. Jacobean Thread Winder set - Moss Creek (again) - Another ASG class piece, this one from June 2006 in AZ. I've actually started the scissors case, but haven't made massive progress on it yet. I adore this piece and want to work on it so much. It's another one that's been calling my name a lot lately.
7. Sewing Case - Catherine Theron - ASG Oct. 2006 class piece. Bargello for the front of the case, maybe 1/2 done? One other part of this piece is finished but don't have it in front of me to tell you which part.
8. "B" Is For Bunny - The Sweetheart Tree - give from Heather for my birthday, 2 years ago I think. It feeds my love of rabbits, so I'm willing to call this a small, but I'm not sure it qualifies.
9. (I almost forgot this one) Pineapple Pin Purse - Moss Creek - This is all but ready to be put together. As soon as I figure out where I put to so I'd find it to work on it this month, I'll take a picture of it.
There are others, but these are the ones I feel calling my name. Check back for progress reports or maybe pictures of other smalls in my collection that I've come across. (Which reminds me, must redo my organization of these things. Can't believe I can't find some I really want to work on.)