Jardin January
The holidays were a little stressful...let's relax in a nice garden. Work on any piece with flowers or garden.Another year means another try at Theme-a-licious with my DF Heather. This year I'm getting off to a fairly decent start.
Toccata #1 progress so far:
This piece is a tad addictive. You pick it up to work on a square and boom, you finish that square and think "Ohhh, look I've accomplished something! Lets keep going!" I'm waiting to get bored with it. Hopefully that won't happen since this is the SAL (Stitch-a-Long) for 2013 with my EGA chapter.
Daughters of Longbourn Hall progress:
Look! A person! I'm excited I made so much progress on this piece. I'm amazed. This is one I'm planning on working into each month's theme. I'll have to be creative, but hey, that's the fun of Theme-a-licious!
Well I meant to get this posted right on the 15th, but work and life conspired against me. I'm headed for a weekend of fun with friends in Atlanta later today. I doubt I'll post anything before I return, but you never know. I have some catch-up posts I need to get finished, but I really doubt I'll have time this weekend. But I will return to post another day...soon...I hope....