Oh yes, I know it's a little early to start thinking about New Year's resolutions and the like but Sunday I was having a discussion with a friend and mentioned that several years ago I managed to finish off quite a few UFOs from my stitching stash by concentrating on a rotation that allowed for projects at various states of completion. My Sensei Heather, who many may know as TMTIH (The Magic That Is Heather). Now understand I did this when I wasn't knitting, so I managed to finish something like 12 items that year. Not bad. Finished a couple of large(ish) samplers, some smalls, pretty varied. So that has me thinking that I need to adopt that practice again. I have things that I can put my hands on that are withing 10 hours of being finished, some that are more like 25 and then others that need a lot of hours but that I really want to work on. So I'm thinking I'm going to do a bit more of a rotation and really be a bit more thoughtful about what I'm working on. Here's what I really would like to finish in say the next year, in no particular order.
1. Ornaments - I don't even want to think about how many ornament kits I have from the years I participated in an ornament kit exchanged based on the Just Cross Stitch Ornament editions. Let's just say there are more then 100 and less the 1000 and be happy about that. I have finished some, I even have enough that have the finishing complete to hang on a small tree each year, but if I were to get serious and stitch those kits I'd have enough for...well a BIGGER tree. I'm not going to put a number on how many to finish in the year, some are easy, quick stitches, other are more time consuming. I have one that has some hardanger in it and I need to just finish wrapping the bars and doing the doves eyes and it's done. So, I'm just going to say I should have at least 1 ornament going at all times.
2. Mom & Dad's Anniversary Sampler - for obvious reasons this needs to be done. I'd like to finish it before their actual anniversary on March 3rd so it could be framed, but I'm not going to be all crazy and think that's really going to happen.
3. Winter Garden Gate -

This picture is actually not current. I've done more since it was taken. I'd say a good 20 hours and this one would be done. I've already finished 2 of the 5 garden gates and have them on my wall, would love to add this one.
4. Blackwork Band Sampler

This one is also further along. (Wow, I need to take some pictures!) I ADORE this piece and would love to see it hanging up in my house.
5. Biscornu - I can't believe I haven't finished the stitching on this one. There is really no excuse. It's simple and almost complete.
6. Simple Elegance I - You may not really believe me but this one is further along too. (I know...pictures are proof!)

I already know that I want to finish this as a stand up.
7. Christmas Fairy - She's just so pretty, how can I not want to stitch on her? (Picture included just in case you'd missed seeing her before.)
8. Snow Globe Bunny - This is really an ornament, but since it's needlepoint I'm going to count it separate.
9. Eiffel Tower Shawl - A little knitting was needed of course. No picture because it's at a point where I really can't get one until I am able to bind off.
10. Autumn in Cambria - Another shawl I've got on the needles.
11. Socks - because it would be nice to finish some that are on my needles.
12. Mystery 4 - Ok, because I really am crazy I'd like to finish one of these before I die, get it framed and enjoy it hanging up somewhere in my house. I realize this may mean a visit from the crazy police, but I'm going to put it out there. I actually have this one and another one started, this one if further along so it is getting the nod.

Go ahead and click through to the picture on Webshots. There's an album just for this one and you can see Mr. Peacock in all his glory, with piece de resistance of crazy where I decided to do his head 1 over 1 (which for you non-stitchers is small and tedious but produces beautiful results that are amazing.) I really don't believe that I could finish this during the year, but why not work on it from time to time and see what happens.
13. The Daughters of Longbourn - Because dang it I'm enjoying this one and love stitching on it.
14. A sweater - I need to finish one of the sweaters in my UFO pile. Then maybe start another. Not like I don't have yarn for a few.
There's more deep in the recesses of my stitching & knitting bags. Small little things that could be finished like a scissors case that needs less then 10 hours on it and the stitching would be done. Alas I have no pictures. Not to mention the patterns I've bought in the last month that I'm sure will NEED to be started.
So there it is. My big list for me to think upon and try and work with. So what that it's not January 1st, I'm making my list now and seeing how it goes, that way in 2 months if I don't like it I can try something different!