I have plenty of reasons why I haven't posted in a month and a half. Things like Christmas, going to the Champs Bowl game to see my beloved Seminoles play, a trip to Atlanta for some time with friends and for work, then home where I've felt "a little puny" for a few weeks. But those would all be excuses and really no one reading this cares about them. All you care about is pretty pictures of what I've been working on this month.
I had grand plans...GRAND plans, let's review the list.
- Margaret W Brown 1838
- Tulip Slip
- Winter Garden Gate
- Pansy Garden
- Wild Woodviolets
- Antique French Ribbons
- The new Christmas Stocking
- Ann Dale
- Misty Morning Vineyard
- Anniversaries of the Heart
- Daughters of Longbourn Hall
- Mary Corey
When January started Winter Garden Gate looked something like this...
I'm happy to report that I finished it and even managed to take it to the framers where it's currently hanging out. I'm so excited! Since this one was started in 2005 I think it counts not just for Theme-a-licious but also WIPocalypse! I'll have to remember and hopefully show a picture of it framed when it's time for that post in February. See how pretty?
For whatever reason the only other piece that kept calling my name was Ann Dale. I made a start on it Jan. 1 and just kept picking it up. I didn't take it with me to Atlanta, it's a LOT OF FABRIC to travel with, but I'm happy with my progress so far. Most of the ladies in my Sampler Guild are working on this so I'm anxious to see how much progress everyone has made. The colors are so very me, all those reds and greens. This is one that I hope will continue to hold my interest. We'll have to see. I have a bad habit of starting large projects and then loosing interest. Oh who am I kidding, I do that with small projects too. All that "ohhh, look at the new start/project/shiny" gets in my way. But take a look and stick around to see what comes next.
And now comes Fangirl February. A Valentine to our favorite designers. Back in December I had a nice long list of designers I thought would be good candidates. I'm fairly certain at least one of those will make the cut and I might have to pull out something from another favorite. So for now here are the possibilities:
- Moss Creek Designs - I have plenty of WIPs from Rae I can choose from. Decisions, decisions.
- Ellen Chester - There are a few that I have in my stash. PLUS the fabric and fiber for Quaker Samplings III came in the mail the other day. Maybe getting a nice start on that is in order.
- Plum Street Samplers - Again, I have more than a few designs in my stash I can pick from here and some are even kitted up ready to start.
For those who want to see more about Theme-a-licious and check out The Magic That Is Heather's blog.